Saturday, 3 December 2016

Your worst nightmare

hi i'm xotrollitaxo! i have account's on like all social media. i write like everything (including names) with like small letters???? and i cant spell??? or use proper gramar??? i write your when i mean you're and i put apostrophe's in words on plural form and i don't in possessive's??
i have opinion's for like literally everything??? politic's, society, music, movie's, spelling (yes! spelling!), someones look's, someones writing's, anything and everything! you write about something? ill make sure to comment because my opinion is very important??? and it can like literally change the worl??? and i literally always finish by sayin "just sayin'"!!1
i follow the vloggers and the bloggers only to leave them like nasty message's and to write "first!!1" even if mine is proly the 456th comment??? it matters to be first in the comment's, its my life, my purpose of being!!1 i forgot to mention, i should of started a blog but im to lazy??? i literally live to follow others, to hate them and troll them until they close there blogs and chanels!!1!!!
i rarely punctuassion??? unless i end like literally most of my phrases with lots of question marks??? or many exclamassion marks and i forget to make the 1 into a ! !!!!!1 i like to write everything in one big phrase so that you literally read my post with one breath until u sufocate and die and then i can write on ur profile how sorry i am you dyed and your my bff and love you so much and i suffer from anxxiety to and i literally have the same problems like you but im glad you dyed because ur like copying zoella who is like literally my bff altho i never met her and she doesn't even no i exist so fuk you zoella you didn'g write ur books but omg girl online is the best book ever!!!1!! so i wud like literally die if you sign my book so i can sell it on ebay??? and plz go to my profile i have the truth about zalfie and narcus i didn't no they broke up i ship joe and naomi i ship jaomi and subscribe to my chanel i have like beauty lifestyle fashion diy lolz!!!1 dont try to like avoid me??? im like literally everywhere??!!1??!1 xoxo<3

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