Tuesday, 29 October 2013

My October 2013 Favourites

Well hellooo everybody!
I think I have jinxed my YouTube channel ever since I saw I have 50 subscribers!!!
First of all, yesterday, while trying to upload my October favourites, I deleted my September favourites video! I just pressed “remove from YouTube” thinking I was removing the unedited version! But alas, it was the actual video which had, well…. XX views…
Anywho, I managed to upload it again. Then today I was watching my October video in the morning and I noticed that it had one Dislike. WTH? I just uploaded the damn thing… I then pressed ‘Like’ accidentally and the ‘Dislike’ disappeared (I didn’t know you can do that!)
So, yes it appears that I had pressed the ‘Dislike’ button myself. On my own video. And without realising it.  And I haven’t dyed my hair blonde yet! (no offense to blonde ladies ;))
Well, after all this palaver here are the October favourites. This video was filmed during the storm in the UK, when I was unable to travel to work. So, what better way to pass the time than to film my favourites!  I hope you enjoy it and I suggest you stay until the end, as, for the very first time I include a gag reel, a.k.a. bloopers!
Products mentioned on the video:
 And the video itself: (which for some reason won't embed, uuuurrrrrrghhhh) 


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